We’ve all been there, done it and laundered the t-shirt a million times over.
“I’ll do that later today”
“I really need to write a blog / schedule some social media / clean my desk”
And on a Friday evening ……. “Where did the week go, I never did get round to ……..”
Time is our most valuable asset and also the thing that most of us are depleted of, which is why we end up working in our businesses, looking after our clients and taking care of the day-to-day tasks when in reality we should put some time aside to work ON our businesses.
Something I use on a regular basis is the “Power Hour”. Ask yourself when are you at your most productive? For me, its first thing in the morning. Once you have identified your “golden time”, set an appointment of 60 minutes in your diary – with yourself – and stick to it.
This is your Power Hour!
If your mission, for example, is to write a blog, don’t open your email programme, close all of your social media feeds, switch your phone off and put it out of sight. Once you’ve banished the distractions, apply yourself to writing that blog. You’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve in 60 minutes once you’ve removed all the distractions – the pings, dings, bells and whistles that constantly distract you and take your thought path down yet another dark alley.
Sticking to the 60 minute appointment is the key to success. Yes, its easy to answer the phone to a client, reply to that email or make an excuse for the sake of making an excuse but none of these will get your blog written, your social media scheduled or your desk cleaned!
Give it a try – I think you’ll surprise yourself and after a few times, your business (or environment!) will begin to benefit and the Power Hour will become a regular habit.
Good luck!